Wednesday, August 31, 2011

temple tax

Good morning friends,
First, I'd like to remind you that there are still several tickets left for Saturday's Redwing's baseball game. The tickets are free thanks to Robyn Fitzgerald and her great knack of knowing how to ask for things. The game starts at 7:05 and will be followed by fireworks.

Today's reading is an odd one. Many of us are familiar with Jesus' response to the religious leader's question about paying taxes to Rome. In this case the question is whether or not he pays the tax to support the temple. Jesus enigmatically muses with Peter about whether it's appropriate for children of the temple faith to pay taxes. I'm not sure quite what Jesus is getting at here, but it sounds like a critique of the temple leadership. That conflict with the religious leaders is only going to get more intense as our story continues.

God bless,

Matthew 17:24-27
24When they reached Capernaum, the collectors of the temple tax came to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the temple tax?” 25He said, “Yes, he does.” And when he came home, Jesus spoke of it first, asking, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do kings of the earth take toll or tribute? From their children or from others?” 26When Peter said, “From others,” Jesus said to him, “Then the children are free. 27However, so that we do not give offense to them, go to the sea and cast a hook; take the first fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a coin; take that and give it to them for you and me.”

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